I think this is the stuff we do not really have language for nor the tools to measure -yet.
This work is the toughest for my scientifically trained brain to process and explain to a wide audience. It also seems the toughest for folx to believe until they or a loved one experience it. I have seen it work when nothing else has. To me, this seems to be the space where physics and metaphysics arc toward each other. This is where intuition and gut feelings are the stars, where learning to listen to and trust ourselves is life changing.
In practice, I connect with my authentic Wise Self and your authentic Wise Self to research and uncover what is keeping you from living the life you desire. Then we focus on clearing or transforming these blocks by addressing the energy in your system striving for alignment and resonance. I integrate this with mindfulness, movement, and affirmations to bring all aspects of your body, mind, emotions, and Spirit together.
The modalities I use for this work include Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) developed by Robert E. Detzler, Multi-dimensional Self (MDS) developed and copyrighted by Katheryn Hamilton-Cook and Barbara Standiford, and The Art of Sound Healing taught by Ir.ene Ingalls and Karen Knight. My work is also influenced by my studies of Yi Ren Qigong and traditional Chinese medicine with Dr. Guan-Cheng Sun. These modalities and teachings incorporate our innate spiritual nature and our subtle energy systems. I am deeply grateful for my teachers past, present, and future.