It is a true honor to walk this path with you.
I invite you to allow yourself to slow down and savor this experience. It can be helpful to clear your schedule as much as possible on class days. I know this is not easy in our culture. You are embarking on a sacred journey and you are divinely supported by your own guides, the Reiki guides, and those who have walked this path before you. Set your intention and see what happens.
Usui Reiki has been passed down from student to teacher for about a hundred years. You will become part of this living tradition. In honor of this amazing journey, consider how you will prepare. In truth, you do not need to do anything to prepare to receive Reiki attunements. However, as we have all heard by now, the journey is where the magic is.
Preparation Suggestions:
- Document: journal, draw, doodle, create a vision board, etc. Capture how you are feeling as the days pass until your class. What are your intentions, dreams, hopes? What is coming up for you? The moment you committed to class, your energy started shifting. What are you sensing and how do you sense it?
- Set an intention for the class or your relationship with Reiki. Reiki is love and always goes to your highest good and the highest good of all. How would you like to co-create with this energy?
- Rest: what sort of restoration can you get in the days leading up to class. Can you get an extra hour of sleep? Can you close your eyes and listen so something soothing like an audio book or music?
- Hydrate: This is a big one. Are you getting enough water? If not, can you bump up your intake?
- Move your body. Notice how your body wants to move. Does it want to walk, swim, dance, stretch?
- Nutritious and easy to digest food: be gentle on your body. Consider the season and what foods might be supportive for your system. I love stews and soups when I am embarking on a new phase of energetic attunements and learning.
- Avoid consuming hard to digest and/or process substances. There are different schools of thinking around this, but I recommend avoiding alcohol, recreational drugs, and sugar before Reiki attunements. ***Do not stop taking prescribed medication without talking to your primary care or prescribing physician.*** I do not give advise about medication, that is outside my scope of practice.
Class day Suggestions:
- Bring a nutritious lunch and snack. There is a refrigerator and microwave on-site. Personally I take soup or stew in a thermos when I am in energy medicine trainings. It is nutritious, grounding, and easy.
- Bring a water bottle. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
- Bring socks to wear during practice sessions. You are welcome to bring house shoes or slippers.
- Wear comfortable clothes with layering in mind. You may get really hot, really cold, or each at different times.
- Bring a notebook and pen/pencil. You may want to take notes and/or process throughout the day.
Post class tips:
- 💜 21 day integration 💜 Allow time and space for integration. This is vital. You can not rush this process. Rest, reflect, notice, and document. This is a sacred time for you and your system.
- 💜 21 day integration 💜 Continue to hydrate, eat nourishing foods, and avoid substances that are challenging for your system to process. Do NOT discontinue prescribed medication without talking to your doctor.
- Give yourself Reiki every day. You have a new tool in your tool kit. Practice, explore, be curious, have fun, and play. This is so much more that it looks like. Giving yourself Reiki every day is multidimensional healing.
- You are now able to offer Reiki to others. I invite you to always give yourself Reiki first. You can not pour from an empty cup. Many of us have been running self-sacrificing programing for much to long, generations even. I believe that when we heal ourselves we heal the world. Reiki is an amazing Self-Care tool. This is important for everyone and especially for folx who wish to go on to receive Level II and Master attunements.
Next Steps:
If you feel called to continue your Reiki training, give yourself enough time to integrate the level you just received. There is a minimum time that must pass between levels. Take this time to give yourself daily Reiki and, if you are called, to learn more about Reiki. Let's discuss ways to enrich your experience at each level that resonate for you.